In response to the proposed Kinder Morgan oil pipeline expansion, that would span from Alberta all the way to the Burrard Inlet in BC, at Earthkeepers we are proposing Five Calls to Action:

1. Pray weekly about Kinder Morgan

We challenge you to spend a few minutes each week interceeding for those affected by the Kinder Morgan expansion pipeline. Trust that your prayers are listened to, mysteriously, when we pray according to the divine will. Pray also to discern what might be your role in the road towards climate justice.

Creator God of heaven and earth, we acknowledge that the living world is yours. We see the injustice done to your creation through thoughtless and also intentional choices to pursue greed and power. We witness the injustices done to our Indigenous neighbors as well as the creatures of the land and sea that have no voice against those in power. We pray against the further destruction of your creation in the form of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion. We pray for the protection of your creation and for all of us that depend on a clean and healthy environment. We pray for the wisdom of our political and business leaders to make choices towards a clean and just economy for all and in respect of your created Earth. Amen.

2. Share this information with your loved ones

Everyone has a role to play when it comes to mitigating climate change. Share our Kinder Morgan backgrounder with your friends, so they understand its importance and are also able to resist the pipeline expansion as best they can.

3. Contact your Member of Parliament

Write a letter or call your MP to let them know your concern about Kinder  Morgan. You can find your MP and their contact information here.

  • I’m a Christian who is concerned about climate change.  Climate change is a threat that knows no borders, but which disproportionately impacts the poor—the very ones who have done little to cause the problem.  
  • In a context where the urgency to act on climate change is no longer a topic of debate, I believe that expanding pipelines such as Kinder Morgan is inconsistent with the Paris Climate Agreement signed in 2015.  
  • I live in [Name of your municipality] and I am concerned about the Kinder Morgan expansion impacts on the land, the Salish Sea, and [name of your municipality.]  I am concerned that local residents and our Indigenous neighbors will be stuck paying for the clean-up costs and land reclamation of an oil spill.   
  • I call on Canada to implement its commitment to the UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to have a nation-to-nation relationship in consulting with and respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples, many of whom oppose the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.
  • What will you and your colleagues do to oppose the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion?
  • What will your colleagues do to act on Canada’s climate promises, such as carbon pricing, new oil and gas regulations, and transitioning towards a sustainable energy model?  

Dear [Insert name of your MP here]:

As a Christian deeply concerned about climate change, I do not support the Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion.  Approving this expansion is inconsistent with Canada’s climate commitments in the Paris Agreement. In the midst of the hottest year in recorded history we don’t need a new pipeline that exposes our communities to oil spills and climate disaster.   Climate change is a threat that knows no borders, but which disproportionately impacts the poor—the very ones who have done little to cause the problem.  I believe it is important to care and love our neighbors  

The Kinder Morgan pipeline threatens our communities, coast and climate with devastating oil spills and spiraling global warming pollution. I call on you to stand with us and defend our community safety by rejecting the Kinder Morgan TransMountain pipeline.  I also call on the federal government to implement its commitments under the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to meaningfully listen to the concerns of First Nations who do not consent to the pipeline expansion.  I call on the federal government to stop this dangerous and unnecessary pipeline.

4. Kick-start a divestment campaign in your church

By encouraging your church community to divest, you may help your church sell off an asset that may be funding the pipeline and causing more climate change. Learn more about divestment by going to Fossil Free.

5. Support indigenous efforts to stop Kinder Morgan

Stand with Indigenous peoples by supporting their legal challenges to stop Kinder Morgan’s pipeline. Pull Together is coordinating this effort, and we encourage you to donate to them.